Goatrude is a collector.
When she was a puppy, she mostly collected items she found in the barnyard. Sticks, the occasional neglected tool, bones we had given her or the other dogs. She places her collected items in a loose pile in the center of the barnyard. Occasionally she chews on those which are worthy. (Which once, unfortunately, included a nice pair of protective headphones. Oops.)
Now that the Trude roams, the collections have become baffling. They are kind of like mini art installations.
Yesterday the pile comprised:
a.) 3 bleached out cow femur bone segments (None of which WE gave her. Lord knows where she found them.)
b.) A small mummified turtle
c.) A tanned skunk hide with plenty of fur attached to assist identification.
I hate to be an alarmist, but I think the Trude may be involved in the dark arts.
Hmmm. Where to Start?
8 years ago
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