I am thankful to have a happy farm and many, many happy and healthy animals.
Christian is thankful I still let him surf. (He's going today)
ToD is thankful we bought a frozen turkey for the holiday.
Dinner duck is thankful for cat food.
Patty is thankful that FOF Caroline helped us trim her problem hoof correctly.
Boy pig is thankful that girl pig is the one who went to freezer camp.
Bishop Don Magic Juan is thankful that the ear-less buck doesn't live here anymore.
The peep peeps are also thankful for cat food.
Karl is thankful that we showed him where the pond is. And that Vera is probably not a dude.
The chickens are thankful for cat food. (In case you can't tell, cat food is pretty popular around here.)
We are all thankful to you for being a friend of the farm and for the kindness you share when we have less than perfect days. Happy Thanksgiving.
Hmmm. Where to Start?
8 years ago