Thursday, February 4, 2010


That is Radiance the Eviscerator and her friend Little Chicken on our bed. Sure, LC is refusing to look at the cat, but still -- it's a step.

And as I type, Rosebud & Radiance are both running around the office - on the other side of the house from their bedroom. The kitties are getting bold. And in Radiance's case, a little less aggro.

This is too fun.


Kristin said...

They've been broken! Good work...

I can't get over how much she looks like our cat, Shoe. :) said...

I pray this doesnt end up like a southeast Texas version of Avatar...

Margie said...

I want so badly to bite LC on the SNOOTS!! I LUVS LC!!

Wish my Phoebe dog had as much fear and respect for our rehoused barn cat Buddy.